
Celebrate your birthday and create art with your friends.

My Art School can make your next birthday party a very special birthday celebration.Celebrate your birthday while making ceramic food!

We now offer birthday party groups the experience of applying colorful glazes to ceramic pieces.Each attendee will be able to personalize a molded ceramic figure by applying a brilliant ceramic glaze.

Partygoers will be able to personalize figures such as cows, ducks, cups, or dishes to mark your birthday party.Kyle drawing Tiffany's dragon

After the glaze is applied, we will then fire the piece to 2000F to convert your designs into a brilliant, smooth surface.

Celebrating a birthday in the art studio is a wonderful experience for children. In addition to the cake and presents, all artists will have experienced the process of ceramic glazing and have something to remember for a long time to come.frog and cup greenware

What better way to remember achildhood birthday than making something beautiful which will last for a long time.

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